Not just an idea...a life changing experience.

Freedom Thirty Five is all about experiencing life, not waiting until I'm 65 to retire. I want to see things I have never seen, meet new people, take on new challenges, make new friends and reconnect with old ones.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

FTF Day 194-197 – Yosemite National Park, California – Sept 3rd-6th, 2011

Last minute trip with a couple other couch surfers to Yosemite to climb Half Dome

Soltan, a couch surfer from Charlotte had posted just a couple days earlier that he wanted to go and climb half Dome in Yosemite national park over Labour Day weekend.  Always up for fun and adventure I contacted and let him know I was in.  A few others expressed interest too, but bailed last minute with the exception of Robber, from Spain who joined us.  Soltan decided to drive his rental car out because he was thinking of of leaving Sunday night, while Robber and I were wanting to stay until Monday.  The drive was uneventful, but the traffic was heavy, Labour  Day weekends are always this way.  On the way there my car was starting to make a squealing noise, I determined after a quick stop that the clutch bearing on the A/C compressor was going bad.  I kept my fingers crossed and hoped it would last the weekend. 

When we finally arrived in the park, we managed to secure our half dome permits, and camping at Yosemite Valley Meadows for Sunday night.  We also made arrangements to camp in the backpacker’s campground Saturday night, so we could leave early the next morning.  Shortly after that the clutch bearing in the jeep seized up, and the accessory belt stopped turning, noticeable by the fact that the alternator stopped working as well as the power steering pump.  Luckily there was a garage in the park and I managed to get it there.  After a quick assessment, they concurred that the clutch bearing was done.  So they proposed ordering an idler pulley to replace the compressor, since they can’t do A/C work, but unfortunately it was late Saturday and nothing would be open again until Tuesday.  No worries, there are worse places to be stuck for an extra day.

Sunday morning Soltan and I quickly made our way up to Little Yosemite Valley campground about 2 hrs from the trail head, I setup camp, dropped some gear and then we continued up to half dome.  We arrived at the cables, and then slowly made our way up to the top of half dome.  The cable are to assist people climbing up the bald, steep and somewhat slippery rock surface that makes up half dome.  The views from the top were very impressive.  It’s pretty obvious why this is such a popular hike.  We stayed for about ½ hours then made our way back down, mostly running.  Soltan is an ultra marathon runner so the two of us really pushed each other to move quickly. 

That night I camped a Little Yosemite Valley, Soltan and Robber headed back to camp.  I had a pretty quiet night, met a few people around the campfire and then headed out early the next day.  I setup camp in the backpacker’s campground, went for a run and relaxed.  The next day I had the truck towed to Merced California so that it could get the A/C system repaired at the dealer there.  Thank goodness I had AAA plus.

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